Seeping downwards for many spans of life times, meandering through soil, minerals, rocks and salts. Bringing the heavens above on a decent to the grounded...
Embracing the profound lessons that tea imparts, we find ourselves in a reflective journey through each bowl, a journey that transcends mere philosophical musings and...
The mysterious essence of space, ways in which we look for, seek, and try to understand it. When moments fall away and a breath is...
In the 2 years since Cloud Hidden Tea Space has opened to the public we have served around 160,000 bowls of Tea. Each bowl of...
Sanctuary is more than just a tea; it's an invitation to retreat within. Crafted from summer leaves, and carefully picked further down the branches, this...
We sit entwined in the rhythms of nature that is ever-present. From the most expansive ways you can imagine, all the way down to the...
Our crafted 425ml teapots are the perfect teaware when moving out of individual practice and sharing tea for a few close friends or family. The...
Every aspect of life is required to be involved in order for tea to be in your bowl right this very moment. The interwoven communion...