Absorbed in Totality

Seeping downwards for many spans of life times, meandering through soil, minerals, rocks and salts. 
Bringing the heavens above on a decent to the grounded land below, a merging point of worlds both unseen.
Standing strong and centred in unwavering devotion, falling to neither the blowing winds or turbulent rains. 
Pillared in stillness as 
thunders roar and lightning bolts crack. 
Abiding in the wisdom of simple patience, not needing to go anywhere, no desire to be anything else. 
Absorbing life giving light, photosynthesising the outer to then transmute inwards. 
Minutes into hours, days into weeks, months into years, decades into centuries of Being. 
When we prepare our Tea, 
seeing a few mere leaves in front of us, can we also see the immense force which has led to this moment? 
As a is tree encompassed in an offering of leaves. 
Universes also encapsulated in a single brew.
Inviting ourselves with each round of tea
To be still for a moment in time,
A minuscule minute in our hands against thousands of years embedded within a Tree.
Absorbed in Totality