A bowl reminds us each time the value in filling and receding Each moment we hold a full bowl Awaits a sensory experience
As we stand on the cusp Of tasting the universe That has been absorbed into A few mere leaves
Providing us with the stars Rising moon and falling suns gentle rains and minerals From quietly deep down below
Like the tides timeless rhythms Our bowls come then easefully go The departure allows us not to be attached With the arrivals that sail our way
For if there were no space between stars Nothing would shine so bright Or be appreciated for its beauty knowing both dark and light
Empty bowls remind us how we all began From a gentle nothingness In between we momentarily fill with life To simply return back to humble beginnings
The bitterness of contemplating cycles Allow a sweetness of mortality To appreciate the momentary air Which are filled within precious lungs
The fleeting phenomena Of our hearts which beat And the flowing rivers of qi that meander delicately within our body
Absorbing into stillness To see the mystery within Knowing it can’t be answered Nor can it even be known. |