Mountain Ranges held within our Hands

Being apart of an orchestration which is life

Means we are simply amidst something vastly bigger

From large and obvious, down to small and fine tuned

Each element contributes to an intrinsically perfect harmony 

Seeing countless stars twinkling amidst heavens above

Is to know they shine even in the darkest caves below

For even when the stars are Hidden by ominous Clouds

A tiny flickering candle can illuminate the same entire sky

Within a single tea leaf that has landed in our hands

Do we unknowingly hold an entire Mountain range too

As thousands upon thousands of years built upon

Rests into this tiny yet monumental peak moment

Looking around from the top of the climb, there is much happening

But of the disguised muchness how little has actually meaning

A place we are invited into, is a deep rest where nothing is

A comforting gift and respite where only then everything presents 

To boil a kettle is at the fullness of all that is possible

Hearing rumbles of Earth through heat that could move the same Mountains

Seeing waters of life rushing into Teapot that could fill Oceans

As the silence of Tea awaits to be heard through quiet hearts.


Mountain Ranges held within our Hands