For a seasonal Flower is patient
Many move sluggish feet
But little take sincere steps
A lot talk the recycled words
Even less walk the Hidden path
Rushing to get somewhere over there
Impatiently not even seeing what is rightfully here
For gestures of a mind that gives, yet seeks to receive
Is only ever serving themselves
Letting go of what is being painfully held
To then hold what has been beautifully lost
It is in the Quietude of nothing being said
Where the undeniable sound of everything is heard
As questions lure us amidst dark Moonless nights
Simple answers lay at rest upon Horizons dawn light
We may thankfully find Solace amongst a rare few
And feel completely swept in loneliness amongst the many
For a seasonal flower is patient in its knowing
As days, weeks and months pass on by
Rains fall, winds rush, thunders roar and Sun shines
Shifting, morphing and fluxing above and below
Until a moment of clarity strikes like lighting
To let go, unfurl and bloom on its own wisdom
So too, do we have our own innate illumination
That glows once more when our moment calls