Existence has a way of imperfectly being perfect
Of neither a definitive or complete process
More so a phenomena that is wildly out of control
Continuously growing further into perfection with no end.
Our days become fixated in the meanderings of mind
Leading us away from the Rivers of inner clarity.
If we lay on a patch of Earth looking above for 24 hours
Not one single moment will be the same as any other moment
If we rested into ourselves, observing the Mind for 24 hours
It too, moves and changes, pulling this way and that
Yet just as the body lays on a patch of Earth
So too can Awareness simply just watch thoughts
As judgements rise and dissipate
Waves of emotions bubble then dissolve
Our humanness is a tactile landscape of tender elements
Constantly ebbing and flowing, mirroring life itself,
enough exactly as it is, where it is and how it is.
When we hold a bowl of Tea in simple appreciation
Can we hold our own hand with no bowl in the same notion?
When we see a Sun rise with complete awe
Can we see our Darkest nights in the same light?
When we feel a Childs innocent smile
Can our mature mind let an immature heart dance?
When we rush a Rose yet to open
Can we be patient allowing life to run its course?
In a desire of figuring out, to know what’s ahead
Offering space to life is something of a foreign practice
Listening to whispers of faith that invite us
To breathe easefully with the winds of change.