A Way Unknown
There is a path already paved,
yet it is hidden within the pathless
There is a wind always blowing,
yet the incense drifts unhindered
There is a bowl always full,
yet requires an emptiness
There is a kettle being boiled,
yet the charcoal is only just being laid
When a letting go of the way in which
we think we’re going presents
Notice quietly there is already a path within the path
We are never in totality who we think we are
We are always unknowingly the moments unseen
Like a bridge between when does Water become Tea
And When does Tea become I?
Where is the precision in which the Outer becomes Inner?
The moment in which the finger isn’t pointing at the Moon?
Phenomena has been morphing for billions of years
Incarnations cycling for thousands
This lifetime may not even reach a hundred
And yet a second can be forever in totality
Amongst the teachings of those before
And the wisdom of those which follow
There is no direct path that holds an answer
Or any possibilities for questions to resolve
The hands which reach out into the world
Are the same that can turn inward
And return to a place of reverence
Going back outward in an offering of simple service
As we individually traverse our own unique pathways
Step by step, falling and rising
Finding more moons to point at out of hope
For them to simply set beyond horizons of the mind
Coming back to a place of rest, a breath in between
For each step ultimately takes us closer to death
Rejoicing in exactly where we are
Knowing we will never get this very step back again.