Cha Xi • Tea stage

If you have been coming to tea and recieving, then you may, or may not have noticed the ever changing presentation and expressions upon the table in which tea is being made.

This element of ceremony is one that highlights the celebration within this very moment itself.
As we have all contemplated at some point in our lives whether big or small, the only thing for certain is that change is constantly happening internally and externally every moment that comes then goes.

A Cha Xi or tea stage is presented for every ceremony to honour the cycles of life and nature as a whole. That the arrangement made for todays sharing of tea, is different from yesterdays and the unknown of tomorrow will gift us a new experience yet again. As well as hopefully inviting us into remember again and again, that we are apart of something much larger and when we see clearer, there is beauty all around us to be expressed even in the decaying of life.

This is also a great opportunity if you have a home practice to go for a little walk before you sit for tea and pick something that you feel honours this occasion. Arrange however you feel suitable whilst cautious as to not have any arrangements get in the way of brewing itself.
Be mindful of space left for teaware.
As a practice, it is important to move out of comfort zones of preference and attempt to deepen and broaden, seeing an expression amongst things you may not have been able to prior.
We hope to see you soon for tea!
booking online essential for ceremony.