Tea space memberships
Being a member of the space is an opportunity for you to begin or continue cultivating a practice of sharing tea.
Memberships allow you to come as often as you like,
as we now serve tea over 7 days of the week

It is an invitation for you to create space in your life to momentarily absorb silence, stillness and connection both for yourself and with others. Times of ceremony vary from early to mid morning as well as some evenings and weekends to do our best in accommodating for everyone’s unique lifestyle and rhythms, hoping that you are able to find pockets of quietude from this, knowing there is a place you can always come to no matter how your current circumstances are,
and bowls of tea will be served.
A deeper current of being a member is that every single bowl offered out, whether you are there in person or not, is being done so because of your contribution to the continuation of the tea space being sustainable and a long term experience for the community as well as those passing by for many years to come.
As a core element of tea is service in every way, shape and form.
As you develop your practice and reverence, this notion that you are apart of every ceremony held will begin to be felt. The understanding of your service to tea knowing that others are able to share the space from the ongoing memberships is pivotal in community building and allowing ceremony to be shared with as many people as possible.
It is also a way to meet new friends or perhaps deepening current friendships, after ceremony there is always space to connect in the garden out the front or to ask those of us who served any questions or curiosities around tea, we will do our best to answer and are always open to simply saying hello.
Membership options below
See you in tea!