Sailing through Inner waters

Seated softly upon the firm Earth
A groove is found in which feels like home
Pockets of silence in between night and day
Where life itself has a moment of rest
Warm hues from charcoals flame
Provide the only light to prepare 
As a kettle finds its place upon coals
I too find mine within the breath.


Eye lids relaxing, letting go, falling
Interesting how they continue looking forward
When the curtains close and yet
A whole inward direction is found
Sailing through the inner waters
As turbulent minds begin to quieten
Empty coves of awareness are met
 As attachments of identity left behind
Rustles of winds in the pine
Bring awareness to the outer 
Water boiling for a timeless moment 
Reminding again and again, the wisdom of heat
Leaves fall from a fig tree above 
gathering around teapot and bowl beneath
As steeping after steeping come and go
Reflections of life within life rise and fall
A gentle breeze arrives as morning calls
Blowing away dust thats settled
And the leaves decorating are gone too
Reminding me, all things pass, all things arrive.
Sailing through Inner waters