Abiding, not striving
Of the few things in which we have completely in common
Is that we all share being alive in this moment
That in some moment completely out of our control
Our individual time will come to part this world life
Another, is that we are all flawed in some way
This is not a fault that makes us inferior
Or that we are failure to the experience
It is to highlight the magnificence of creation
For there is nothing we can achieve as humans
That can ultimately triumph creation itself
In our weighted effort of dragging ourselves
Along the path of striving and gaining
Perhaps it accentuates an invitation to
Let go of all the complexities we build
And come into a restful abiding of
Simply being enough, as we are
For a striving approach will constantly yell
This isn’t enough until the next milestone is reached
Being nurtured in Abiding will always whisper
You are enough and we have already arrived
Tea then becomes a friendship to absorb with
In all our shapes, forms, colours and moods
The Leaf welcomes us into her compassion
Not having to do everything on our own
As comfort of heat soothes our heart
Bowls held in our hands reminding we are held upon Earth itself
Apart of something much greater and broader in horizon
That cares for us beyond any possible measure by a Presence
Wisdom embedded deep within emerges upon ruffled surfaces
If we constantly choose to strive we will keep skimming along
Yet a free fall surrender into Abiding lets go of control
Plunging directly into the Oceans magnificent quiet mystery.